Sunday, February 1, 2009

Resource Migration

 The time is coming
Waves of humanity waiting to colesse into migratory bands
seeking refuge , solace
coming together, roving in an attempt to seek shelter from the coming storm 
Tribes , wandering , coming into the breadth and waves of what formed this earth
gently arching in to the wind 
graceful bendings  to the wing
reaching through muscle and bone
pressing against the space between muscle bone and earth

There is a great and mighty strength in this land
Ancient raw and ever unfolding
Breath of ancient sea's 
churned by the vortex of clouds 
awash form the sea
this land holds mighty oceans , great and burning mountains
vista's only small within the eye of the beholder
where do we start to breath life into this 
crystalline drops forming harmoniously
We are small in her hand
she is patient and mindful of her power
mother earth
How do we reach across this
 How do we become functioning cells of humanity
beneficial organism's 
Held within a living breathing regenerative Mother
I will walk over her
along the slopes and deep ravines
 smell of sage brush calling after my footsteps
reviving the blood in both 
feeling the exchange of roots seeking firm soil
arching energy in each second of eternity
Pulsing in my hand
reverberating in each breath
we are small 
she is vast 
we are infinite
micro organisms , Cosmo's
each tiny pulsing star 
reaching to remind us
from whence we came 
to where we will go 
after our stretch across this vast ocean of time
 held in this tiny shining moment


TT said...

Hi there!

JBanholzer said...

I can't let this blog go on for ten years without anybody commenting.It's much too good for that!