Saturday, October 25, 2008

Break Through , Break Out , Break Down , Break Fast

Last night was a defining moment in my environmental landscape. Navigate it was said , navigate.Those words resonating in complex simplicity. We know the road as we travel and this road is ours as human beings to travel simultainiously thru individuality. 

Two brilliant speakers who helped spark a movement , define a juncture , spoke to a small crowd in Sun Valley last night. These authors ( Ted Nordhaus , Michael Shellenberger ) did the unthinkable ( or the unmarketable) they asked us to understand the "green" movement , wash, tranquilizer, and it's failings. The choir telling the Preacher we are out of tune , out of touch , and suprisingly enough NOT out of time. 

Above and beyond the authentic critique of our failings as a movement ( from within said ranks) the most important and I feel misunderstood aspect is the humble and sincere underpinnings of this critique. Not only do they know what they speak , thru education and experiance, they are not out to convey the latest "fix it" or grace us with their superior knowledge, paternal hand holding , guruesque placebo's.  No name dropping or egotistical posturing. ( albeit many would disagree, what they are seeing is the hard facts of "the insider's, the been there done that let's move on) and for so many of us ( or not enough) "literate green's" it is a visit from the hardened battle field medic as we sit in pre med , or further down the scale "environmenatl literacy 101. We are newbies , not enoughies , too muchies, no realities. 

Whoa to all of us utopian chicken little's . Chill , step back reasses , unwind , unplug , and get a grip on the picture within your reality. NOT the one on the T.V. , the internet , the coffee shop and the book club, the one that is harder to see , not your's to control or posses. The one that might make you sad , pissed , outraged , but enlivened, the one that begs for our interaction, not merely attention, the dirty one that is a sincere pain in the ass that will wait for detereration , or desperation to replace what now may be something merely annoying , or ugly .

So sliding my soap box back in the closet. A sincere Thank you , goes out to these Gentlemen whom have the audacity to treat us all as competant individual's who can take the complexity of this issue , react , reflect ,respond , reingage however we see fit. For the strength of character and commitment , and the gracoiusness , yes graciounes to respect our collective abilities to navigate these complex waters we find ourselves , our firends , families , neighbors and strangers swimming in. This liberating thought that no man is an island and no one can do this alone or posses all the ansewers . 

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