Sunday, February 1, 2009

Resource Migration

 The time is coming
Waves of humanity waiting to colesse into migratory bands
seeking refuge , solace
coming together, roving in an attempt to seek shelter from the coming storm 
Tribes , wandering , coming into the breadth and waves of what formed this earth
gently arching in to the wind 
graceful bendings  to the wing
reaching through muscle and bone
pressing against the space between muscle bone and earth

There is a great and mighty strength in this land
Ancient raw and ever unfolding
Breath of ancient sea's 
churned by the vortex of clouds 
awash form the sea
this land holds mighty oceans , great and burning mountains
vista's only small within the eye of the beholder
where do we start to breath life into this 
crystalline drops forming harmoniously
We are small in her hand
she is patient and mindful of her power
mother earth
How do we reach across this
 How do we become functioning cells of humanity
beneficial organism's 
Held within a living breathing regenerative Mother
I will walk over her
along the slopes and deep ravines
 smell of sage brush calling after my footsteps
reviving the blood in both 
feeling the exchange of roots seeking firm soil
arching energy in each second of eternity
Pulsing in my hand
reverberating in each breath
we are small 
she is vast 
we are infinite
micro organisms , Cosmo's
each tiny pulsing star 
reaching to remind us
from whence we came 
to where we will go 
after our stretch across this vast ocean of time
 held in this tiny shining moment

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Optimistic Decline

A vastness  dwarfed by our own failings and inabilities
Who do we call upon to create our new paradigm ?
For surely , concretely , this and nothing less will save us
Lead by example ? Our sentimental clingings to the built world pushing future generations into the dark tunnel  of want
Where is the example ? A light in the tunnel , for our canary has surely passed
Moving into this landscape of decline , doomed souls pushing their way into a world stretched thin and held together by greed. 
Why do we struggle when the religion of denial caresses our urgent need for change?
Lulls us to sleep with the very agents of our destruction 
Our buttons pushed to want , picking up our own remote and choosing a mood , an appetite 
The quest for the day/moment , to satiate that want 
And if your life cannot be gratified , if doubt and longing creep in to bitterly ,alas your savior is at hand , so many manipulators of your desire waiting steadfastly to soothe you into deadly apathy.
No , don't change your life ,change your meds, your addictions , your seething want
Become less in the face of what you cannot see
Believe that which is spoon fed to you 
Create nothing but trash and be governed by lustful desire

But then as lighting crashes into your house of cards what do you see???
When the agents of passive destruction complete their task , what do you feel ??
When there is nothing left to mollify your reality , what do you hear ???
When your labors become that for which you will be rewarded , what will you create??
As the rise of change comes  riding a massive  tide , what will be left upon the shore ? 
When the enemy is staring you in the face with striking familiarity, what will you reach for??
Will we be able to live the answer of what it is to be a HUMAN BEING ????

In loving thy neighbor as thyself will we find redemption ? 
Will we grapple with our own narcissistic existence and escape the cages we have so wantonly created ?
Our zoo of humanity , pacing and feral , shaking the bars to consume our keepers? 
For our needs are simple , and in this web of complexity we have become trapped
Our decline is coming , and in it our salvation 
For that which is needed will be met by our optimism 
It will break the spell 
For are we not free ???

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Radical Fizzz

Years of something to fight against , rail over , seethe with an anger righteously induced , this was not  road rage , not some random act of  girlish  bitching, nothing a good dose of midol could cure. Viva la Revolution !!!! Looking good in uniform . Songs to sing , reasons to sit idly by and point , pointing a finger , shrugging shoulders , shaking fists. Comrades in arms.

 Ah , this, had substance, scientific support,  various luminaries in the scientific community consistently validating the underpinnings of this rage. We as a species ,were slowly/ rapidly perpetuating our own demise .Collectively we could all contribute, in our insidiously benign acts of convenience , converging as one , in the single act of consuming beyond any viable, reasonable doubt, more than our fair share . Stealing from the mouths of future generations, with capitalistic impunity . Only fearing falling behind in our race to produce an increasing pile of sated want. 

Recycle , reuse , but don't step away from the culture of consumption . Ease your guilt with the Presidential decree of saving us through commerce. Addicts of whim , desire, spoon fed a culture yearning to reflect itself in the gloss of sex, unnatural appetite's  of destruction. To be paid for with easy money.

Alas , don't leave the tribe , for you will find yourself in a harsh world , unable to provide you with anything but the bleakness of unrequited want. To go without will not be to go beyond, into a better world ,  somewhere else , not a safe haven . To have created and supported an infrastructure of diseased consumerism that to escape, will alienate you and all your high minded moral values. It will turn  inside out and thus you will find, creeping into  your self righteous exile , all the things you sought to leave behind.  Smaller , less obvious , masked, just dressed for a different ball. The toast at the end of the  evening ? The unmasked naked realization of our audacious claim , that we could kill the earth , only a ruse , an illusion , the lie that we were doing something greater, than just killing ourselves.

This plague of locus , minuscule and naked , hairless grubs .

And now where do we stand against this culture ? Where do we reach ? How far can we stretch our hands out, into the future? 

Sitting , wondering , how to  grab hope and hold on, until it is rested from a cold dead hand ?
Until it is something to nurture in the face of the aforesaid vision of reality, to pass onto younger generations? How to  accept this ? When the fire of rebellion gives  logical reason to assume were fucked ,  recycling ,  bio fuel , green commerce, is a drop , a grain of sand , in the sea of coal plants , toxicity, and greed , beyond  comprehension? Spitting in the wind , against walls of fire.

So as  this radical anger fizzes in the face of change , stooping to  pick up the shovel , marveling at the newness , the shiny spade. Grabbing the stupid end and digging my own way out of the grave this lack of faith has created. Leaving behind in death , all that does not serve , to await the labor pains of that which will be born . Accepting  responsibility  for what  will be created........